Thursday, July 17, 2008

No Cut and Paste

One of the first things I searched for on my new iPhone 3G was cut and paste. It is no where to be found. I guess it was not high up on the list of priorities when Apple developed the new phone. I guess I will have to continue writing numbers down, and memorizing things from emails until I can put them in a note or a new email. I am happy that the new phone will take standard headphones because it does not have a recessed jack like the old iPhone. The phone came with a power plug but not a dock. I figured I would use the dock from the old phone. Red light! The new phone does not fit in the old dock. It is close but won't sit down enough to make contact and charge the phone. I went to the Apple store and they sell a new dock for $30.00. I think I am going to have to get the drill out and modify the old dock before I give up that cash. It does come with a little tool that I believe is to open the sim card door. I don't recall getting that with the old phone. Too bad the phone still will not take a memory card. You can't have it all.

The Iphone 3G has a plastic back and is rounder than the old phone. I think the sound quality on calls is better and the speaker appears to be louder. My old phone dropped a lot more calls for sure. I am not sure if that was a result of getting run over by a car when I left it on the trunk of my car one morning. More on that later, but also a good reason to keep the metal back instead of going with the new plastice one. The volume buttons and ringer on off button have gone from plastic to metal. The battery on the new phone does not last as long. I think that is related to the use of the 3G network. Call me crazy but I swear the new headphone cord is shorter. I went to the gym this morning and the cord was bouncing all over the place due to the lack of slack. I am going to measure it tonight and get back to you on this issue. PC Magazine has a very good review on the new phone so check it out.

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