Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My New iPhone 3G

Last Friday I got up at 5:30 am and went to the gym to work out. I was done a little before 7 so I decided to drive by the local At&T store and see what was going on with the iPhone line. I was expecting about 20 people in line but it was closer to 40. I through caution to the wind and jumped in the line with my funky gym clothes on. I met a nice young newly wed couple and they informed of their plan to get two phones. He had to go to work so they talked the store rep outside to let her buy both phones since he had already verified that she was not alone. They groom kissed is wife and headed to work as soon as the doors opened. He thought his phone was secure. He was wrong. We got right to the door after about one hour and a rep came out and informed us all that they were out of 8gb and 16gb phones. I was two spots away from glory. Oh well. I jumped in my ride and headed home for a much needed shower. Later that night I checked the apple web site for my local apple store and saw green dots for 8gb and 16gb phones available the next day. I arrived at a little after 7am on Saturday and once again stood in line. This time I was about number 20 in line and after about 30 minutes an apple rep came out, determined what phone we were looking for and gave us a white card to turn in when we gained entry to the store. I did notice one bizarre sight. A manager went up and down the line answering questions and wherever she went a security guard followed her. I can only imagine what activity from the day before prompted that.

At 8:57 the doors opened to the Apple store and I was granted access with the first wave of 20 customers. We were greeted by two lines of friendly employees with high fives and loud cheering. I handed my card over to a nice young lady and off she went to get my phone. I ran into a few minor problems because I wanted to pay cash and also because my AT&T account had discounts but we worked it out and after about 1 hour in the store I walked out with my new activated iPhone in my hand and my old iPhone in the fancy apple bag they gave me.

I am very happy with the new 3g phone. It is faster for sure and the GPS rocks. I really like the new software I have been downloading like AOL radio and Urbanspoon and Boxoffice. I have mine and I have two words for you. Get some!

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